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Writing is hard, that's why I draw too XD

Updated: Jul 13, 2021

Heyo everyone my name is Caitlin, but I go by Elizabeth in the writing world!

When I was young I thought I wanted to be an animator, which I do sort of still want to do, but after much trial and error I've come to the decision that what I really want to do is tell stories. I enjoy providing that same experience I had as a kid where you can get lost in that book or comic or show and forget all the craziness of the world. I want to tell the stories that stick with people for years, the ones they cannot get out of their heads just like the likes of those I was lost in!

So I hope you'll join me in producing the crazy, awesome stories I intend to release in the future and I cannot wait to get to know you all and let you get to know me.

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