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This months

What a year it has been in just a short time. I’ve spent the last month existing and trying to make it through the turmoil of this year. A few days after New Years my family had not one, but two emergency room scares because of illness, as a particularly potent round of the flu swept through us. We nearly lost my younger sister to it last week and had another member rushed to the ER as well because of high fever. They are both home now, and my sister is now out of the ICU, but I’m still shaken up by the scare. My husband is on bronchitis medication because of this strain's volatile reaction with asthma to keep him from having to make an ER trip too. So the last twenty days have been filled with doctors, hospitals, illness, and a hefty amount of anxiety. I did get the flu as well, though luckily I didn’t suffer from it as badly as the other members of my family; and am as of now pretty much over it.

Because of this rather huge chunk of time cut into my editing and beta phases I am sad to say that we are far less likely to make the first quarter release for Hollows. I had originally intended to shoot for a release of March or April. However, the book still needs another comb through and potentially another edit after the disaster of our last editing attempt. Which also means another round of beta readers. I’d intended to spend January and February on cover releases, introductions, artworks, and the like for the book but one of those two months is, well, pretty much gone now. And the time I’d intended to spend working on those things is also gone. So things will have to be pushed back a little. I’m sad to see this time lost but I’m grateful that nothing more serious happened, and that in the next few weeks I’ll get to go bug my sister for her beta response on my nearly finished first book. Wish me luck on that because she used to do sudo-professional fan fiction critiques and she is brutal. 😀

Comic wise December was a huge help in pushing the comic towards the finish line. Angelus, which I will be publishing on Tapas will be out in April as fully colored pages. The plan is to include a version here on my site as well, this one will include extras and “re-mastered” pages that contain content just a little too spicy for Tapas. It is not a spicy comic by any means as a supernatural horror but that's not to say there will be no spice. How that version will be available and when is still up in the air as I haven’t got anything concrete at the moment but hopefully it will do well enough that I can keep working on this passion project.

The future isn’t set in stone and every day we make the steps to build our own castles, shires, roads, and selves. So to a better tomorrow, let's keep building. Signing off for today.


This months prompts are:

Write a poem where a color evokes an unexpected emotion.

Start a scene set in a snowy forest.

Write the conclusion of an epic battle in the middle of an empty city.


New word of the month:

Wanderlust - A strong desire to travel.

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