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Oh my May!

It has been an eventful start to this year, the last quarter took a lot of work to stay sane and that for me is no easy feat. I've spent the last four months pushing to finish Hollows, my debut novel, which I hope to have available soon (as in later this year or early next).

The novel is currently in the Beta Reading phase, and is going pretty good. The outline for book two is actually already partially laid out so the difference between publication of one and two may be a lot smaller than I'd initially anticipated.

As for life stuff it has been insane. 😫 My mac decided to announce its impending end, so the husband and I had to fork over for a new computer before it went and refused to boot up. I still have a lot of files on it that I need to get off before the screen and fan give out but... in time.

We're currently looking for a house, so I am on the search for a regular job. We had agreed, my husband and I, that I would quit my 9-5 'regular' job and devote myself to producing my books and a few other avenues of work for two years, if nothing came of it then I would start job searching. However, due to life stuff the two year timeframe we had set aside just, isn't in the cards anymore, so its off to work we go.

I'll still be working hard on producing the books, as my hope is to rely on them in the future, but life is what life is and sometimes stuff just takes a bit longer than you'd hoped.

In the mean time here is a piece of art I did a few days ago, I've been really into the idea of background art so maybe with a bit of practice I can be somewhat passible at it XD.

Anyway until next time!


Writing Prompts:

He looked up, the knife still in his hand, and there she was.... (fill in the rest!)

"My favorite color is love,"

Describe something heartfelt.

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