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October Scramble

Hello my dearies it's October so you know what that means? A month of crazy! XD

This year I've decided to try and live my dreams, I quit my safe $13 an hour full time retail position and set my butt at home to pursue living as an artist and writer. Currently I am producing Daylighter, a zombie horror short comic pilot that will finish up on October 31st which you can find on Tapas, as well as the outline for this years NaNoWriMo project a sprint to finish 50,000 words (or more) of a book from start to finish.

Now the is a tall order for me, I have severe ADHD which means my time and project management is pretty much null. However, I've seen so many people succeeding and I want to keep pushing myself to do it. Falling down is just part of the journey so lets talk about this quarters goals, last quarter's wins and fails, and what the future holds for us! (For those not interested in my quarterly goals drop down to the bottom for three new word prompts that we'll be going over this Thursday in the weekly live stream write-in and word sprints on Twitch)

Wins and fails of last quarter, July/August/September:

The goals were pretty small, get my house in order, get on a routine to push me through household things, set up my social media and web presences, get a schedule set up for work that works well for me, produce and finish all of Daylighter by the end of September.

Fails - My house got in order but then I didn't get the routine set up so its back at being only somewhat managed, I also did not finish all of Daylighter by the end of September.

Wins - I set up all of my social media, including my Instagram, Tumbler, and TikTok, I got my own website set up, got it published and got a domaine for it, I did get part of a routine in and am trying my darnedest to get it settled, and I produced all of the script, and outline of Daylighter as well as 5 full pages from start to finish ready to publish.

Did we win last quarter? Yes/No

Wins: 3.5 out of 6

Fails: 2.5 out of 6

So lets talk about how I determine my goals, why I'm counting half, and how we determined that I passed/succeeded last quarter. I only had a few goals last quarter 6, and if I can complete half of the goals I set up I'm gonna count that as a win because I had a TALL order with the last goal (finish all of Daylighter by the end of September). I hadn't come up with Daylighter until the beginning of September, so I'd given myself 30 days to write, script, outline, and produce what turned out to be 40 pages of comic. That would mean I'd need to spend 10 days writing, scripting, and outlining the script and 20 days producing 2 pages a day of fully finished comic which is incredibly hard for someone not used to that work load (each page takes anywhere between 6 and 8 hours to produce) so I knew I would be pushing it with the comic. Needless to say I did my best and still managed to get a fair amount of things on my list done. I quit my job mid July, and put a tall order on my plat in September so I'm going to go easy on myself this quarter, however next quarter isn't going to be so easy!

This quarters goals, October/November/December

The goals for this quarter are going to be about 15, thats more than double last quarter but they will include more personal stuff than just work so here we go.

5 Personal Goals:

Hang out with friends at least three times a month, have date night with the hubby at least once a week, get thirty minutes of exorcise a day at least, get some sunlight every sunny day that I can, get out of the house at least twice a week.

5 Work Goals:

Finish Daylighter by the end of October, finish the outline for NaNoWriMo by the end of October, do some promotional work at least once a week, stream at least once a week, blog at least once a week.

3 Household Goals:

Purge house of unneeded things at least once a week, keep up with laundry, clean house once a day.

2 Professional Goals:

Write Daily, draw daily.

Now if we can get 8 or more of these that will be a win, because I'm counting 50% completion as a win for now. As we move forward we will either add more or bring the needed percentage up to match the difficulty I believe it should be.

Writing Prompts:

A fox wonders through an enchanted forest.

Start with this sentence: "Are you serious?"

Something is glowing in the distance.

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