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October and Hollows Release

Hollows is out! To say I'm excited and exhausted is an understatement. Two years of work, sweat, tears, achy fingers from the typing, and headache have paid off in a real, honest to goodness book. Is it trad published? No. Its 100% self-published but you know what, I'm still so excited for it because this is the first real thing I've ever achieved. I always quit; I always have to abandon the project. But on the 10th of this month, I did it. I finished the damn book. And there is more to come. I intend to have the second book ready for release next year some time. It took me two to publish this and I have the fire under me to do it in half the time for the second.

There is a lot about the book publishing process I didn't account for, and a lot I'll have to keep fumbling my way through. But with this achievement I can continue to grow. Each new book I add will be better than the last, and each world I create more fantastical. I hope to continue to delight people with my worlds for years to come but it is not honestly my end goal. I've done this mostly for myself. To prove I can do it. That I can finish something. And well, here it is. I've done this because I want to and if people enjoy my worlds then that is just icing on the cake.

I'll continue to grow, create better stories, more compelling characters, and more immersive worlds. As I have for all the last fifteen years of my life. I'll continue to publish them, and I'll continue to write.

Originally I'd intended to bring more people on the journey with me. After all social media is the best way to connect. Unfortunately the area I live is very forest-ey, and we share a DSL line with another household who heavily uses internet so I've not the internet-power at the moment to do things like lives and such. (They recently moved in so where as it was spotty but doable before it is no longer) This will unfortunately be the case for a while now until my husband and I are able to afford to move.

We will do our best to manage though.

As such I intend to try and be more active on my tiktok and instagram in the future. I've also been debating other things that can help me connect more with people.

Until Tomorrow!

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