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Maintenance Of The Soul: Life Update

Hey guys, it's been a while! I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post. >,< I was doing so well at keeping up this this stuff. Not a lot has physically happened but man, has it been a roller-coaster emotionally.

Took A Break

One of the big things no one talks about is how quickly things can catch up to you if you aren't taking care of yourself. Mentally and physically. Since the release of Hollows, I've personally been full throttle trying to figure out this writing career stuff and let's be honest about it. I suck at it. I've been writing this blog since 2021 and I've no better a hang of it three years later than I did day one. I could keep telling you guys I'll be getting better, but well, that certainly hasn't been motivating me. This last month things caught up to me for real, for real. I might have had a bit of a mental breakdown. (Don't worry, I'm fine now.)

But this made me realize that I'm going about this stuff all wrong. I'm trying to follow the advice of the bloody internet. Which should be a big 🚩 all on its own.

Handling It?

Well kinda sorta.

I'm certainly not going to claim to be the blog that knows how to fix what's up. But what I am going to do, is let you look at how I'm tackling it myself and see if any of my journey resonates or helps you. A lot of success is "just do the thing" but what if that isn't working? Do you keep pounding the pavement hoping the thing sticks? No. You change your approach. So, one of the ways I'm doing that is altering my approach. If you're reading this, you've probably already noticed some of the change. The formatting. I'm a quirky person, so why not let my blog depict that? The format will probably change quite a lot over the next few installations. I hope you'll stick with me while I figure it out. XD

So I'm going to keep at this, as Neil Gaiman once said in Sandman:

“Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly.” ----- The Sandman, Vol. 6: Fables & Reflections

Here is hoping this time it's the fly option. XD

So many times, over the last three years has it been mostly a fall, and I'm recovering from a recent one myself (not that I died mind you) but if you keep getting up and trying again surely, it's to work eventually.

Book News

The Morrow Lands is coming along, though quite a bit slower than I had wanted. I definitely made a mistake cutting my turn around time in half. While it would have been totally doable if it were my only point of focus, it's not. I have this blog, a newsletter, Hollows promotion, and a slew of other things on my plate. I will do my best to still release this year, as the books draft zero is almost complete. I literally just have to write the last bit of the middle and the ending I swear before moving to betas. But I'd wanted that done in January, six months ago. So we are, quite a bit behind schedule. That's okay though, if The Morrow Lands has to release in early 2025 then this will just have to be a learning experience for me not to pile too much on the ol'plate anymore.

I want to provide better content in the future in-between books. Short stories, anthologies, and comic works. I also want to increase my ability to do in person events and the things I can offer at those events with my books, and other works. So, book three may take more than the year I wanted it to in development. However, that is me, learning the time these things really take to develop, promote, and manage.

Event News

I have another event coming up in July in Downtown Travelers Rest SC. I am considering other events as well and will update them as they are finalized.

In-person events include book signings, and special handmade bookmarks designed after your favorite Hollows characters.


Writing Prompts

Only one this week:

Write about a time you or a character of yours succeeded in something difficult.


I hope you have a great day, never give up, and keep following your dream! One step at a time, one change at a time, and a continued effort to learn and grow, will take you far!

- Elizabeth

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