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Coffee Talk and Some Writing Prompts!

Heyo everyone, so I'll be honest with you I didn't have much of a plan for today's blog post! But in the spirit of my favorite drink, and the drink in my hand let's talk about coffee and our favorite things to do while enjoying it!

Coffee is something I hear a lot of writers love, and whether that is true or not it is absolutely my favorite drink in the world. Nothing is better than a little of the hot brew with milk and sweet cream foam on top. I enjoy my coffee on the sweet and creamy side but I detest adding sugar and I love the strong stuff, because of my ADHD caffeine doesn't affect me with the jitters but rather has a calming and almost sleepy effect when it hits my bloodstream. My love of coffee actually came for my Grandmother who would fill sippy-cups with 'its more milk than coffee' and thus initiated my love of the dark drink. Honestly when I'm feeling nostalgic and missing my Grandma my favorite way to remember her is a cup of coffee and a plate of gram crackers with peanut butter, even the nasty little bits of gram cracker in the bottom of the cup help me to remember sitting in her apartment years ago watching Saturday morning anime and snuggled up in her daybed with a bajillion pillows.

Besides making myself cry with gram crackers another of my favorite things to do with the cup is snuggling up and reading a book. Honestly, that is like the second best feeling in the world and you cannot change my mind.

Now that the random personal dump is over I suppose you lot are here for the writing prompts, so here they are.

Today's writing prompts are color themed:

Write something about a Red Object.

Write something about an Orange.

Write a sad story about a Purple Flower.

I'm currently working on producing a Free PDF download section where you can find all of my responses to the writing prompts I give ya'll. It should be up in the not to distant future while I figure out how to work this website building stuff but in the mean time I hop you enjoyed this little post and I'll catch you guys later!

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