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Heyo my lovely reader, today I am here to give the weeks update! Last week I said I would be making some changes to my schedule to get on the right track with work and mental health and vowed to tell you how spectacularly it worked or failed.

I am embarrassed to say that altering my schedule didn't work last week, the Monday-Friday work schedule just didn't do. Not a flaw with the logic of my suggested schedule necessities but with my own inability to apply them I didn't get up or to bed on time once, lacked the motivation to work out, and simply forgot my nightly routine most nights.

While it is no excuse for failing so miserably with my intended outcome last week I have been suffering from depression and a bit of cabin fever. After leaving my job to pursue my own working interests I've neglected many of the needs for human interaction that I desperately need to pay attention to. No one can really function never speaking to anyone or leaving their house at all, not with a good mental health in mind at least, so this week I am focusing on improving my social interactions and getting my mood into better shape.

These will include dietary changes to include more fruits and veggies, getting more exorcise this week, and trying to spend time with friends and family. While most of the work week was a horrific failure, Saturday did yield a new dog house for my furry baby! A day out working the yard and building doggo houses was just what I needed to reset my mental stability and get some motivation back into my step! (Thank you to my dad for helping we would have been lost without you). This week I've got plans, interactions, and a new set up so it is my intention to push through and see if I can produce better results this week.

I've also lightened my load slightly, my comic Daylighter originally updated daily will now be updated 3 days a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday allowing me more backlog and less stress especially as we come into November and NaNoWriMo.

I intend to participate in NaNo this year, reworking my first year win my book "Hollows".

So stay tuned, I cannot wait to share the journey with you!

Wanna catch me streaming? I stream on Twitch Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11am EDT.

You can also read my comic, Daylighter on Tapas here:

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