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4 Reasons Writing Prompts Help You As A Writer!

If you are struggling with keeping yourself motivated, or maintaining your style and level of writing for any reason I have a huge tip on how to stay well oiled and boost your confidence and motivation.

Writing prompts are something I live by, they are fast, easy, guilt free and best of all add to that daily word count you need to fill as a writer. They can be simple, and take as little or as much time as you want to so here are my four reasons you should be using writing prompts!

  1. Writing prompts are everywhere, it is so easy to find a site with good prompts or to simply google good writing prompts. You do not need to go out and buy a book filled with writing prompts that are potential bad matches for you and your style or subscribe to a costly subscription service. There are just too many free options.

  2. They keep your writing oiled and ready. If you have one of those days where you just cannot bring yourself to work on your long project that is completely okay because five minutes with a good writing prompt is all you need to get just a little of that word count in and keep yourself practiced on those hard days.

  3. They help you flex your creative muscles. So many of us get stuck in our stories, invested waist deep in our novel or project and forget to take a breath of air elsewhere and this could be just what you need. Writing prompts take you out of your project for a short time and out of your comfort zone allowing you to be creative outside of the confines of our usual stories. Writing something outside of your creative comfort zone can really help refresh your creativity.

  4. They can warm you up! Writing prompts are sooo good for warming up that writing muscle and getting it ready to tackle your project. If I'm not feeling up to writing for a day, five to ten nimbuses with a prompt is usually enough to get me in the zone and ready to tackle my work.

Whatever the reason you're picking them up I highly suggest writing prompts as they are an incredible tool that you should absolutely be utilizing.

And just to prove it I'll be starting weekly write in's on my Twitch channel in the coming weeks to show you just how amazing writing prompts are. So stay tuned to get the links and times to that in mid August. ^^

It's been a pleasure!

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