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3 Everyday Writing Prompts & Some Life Stuff!

Heyo everyone! So as I'm figuring out all this author/artist stuff I wanted to drop y'all some of those writing prompts I've been talking about. These are just off of the top of my head, but are things to get the juices turning. You can also keep reading after this little tidbit to catch up with some life stuff that's going on with me and developments for my platforms.


  1. Describe a magical eye, a characters, an object, or a concept. Keep it within a paragraph or two.

  2. You/your character walk into a room and something shady or dark is going on, describe the moment trouble shines its teeth.

  3. It's a rainy day, your walking down a deserted street...

So life stuff! I've decided its time to jump and start swimming y'all! By this I mean, after a looot of debate, talk, and serious thought, my husband and I have come to the conclusion that we are able to take the leap into full-time creator-dom!

With a two week notice at my 11-8 job I'll soon be able to focus on building and creating my own business. But each thing one at a time, I know that the road to being a full time author and artist is hard and requirers a lot of work. Building your own platform and fanbase is insanely hard and a lot of work. But I am ready y'all.

I've wanted to be a story teller for soooo long, and this opportunity is a dream come true that I don't think I could have ever been able to achieve if not for my incredibly supportive husband. While I work up my business models, posting schedule and determine which routs my platforms will be taking I hope to keep up the blog posts and keep y'all up to date on my goings on. I will be trying to stream, vlog, blog, and update Insta at least weekly. I'm not sure how we will be continuing form here, and I will be spending the next few weeks getting my space and life in order and set up for the future. I hope to bring y'all along with me as we grow and develp the stories I'd love to tell y'all! ^^

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